The Direction You Need To Succeed
Butcher and Briggs ---

Development Internet Resources

agmconnect.orgsociated Grantmakers of Massachusetts, Inc. - Boston, MA
The AGM is a statewide association of corporate and foundation grantmakers. The library is located in downtown Boston and open to the public.
The GuideStar web site is produced by Philanthropic Research, Inc., a 501(c)(3) public charity founded in 1994. GuideStar's mission is to help improve the effectiveness of the nonprofit sector through the collection and presentation of comprehensive information about nonprofit organizations.
Our personal selection for fundraising software is CMS4.0, a user friendly fundraising software that was designed for fundraising organizations who need powerful fundraising software at an affordable price. CMS 4.0 software was assembled using input from professional fundraising counsel who had directed numerous campaigns - not a computer programmer.

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